Privacy Statement

University of New Hampshire

E-Commerce Information Usage Statement

您在澳门葡京网赌游戏的电子商务交易的安全性和隐私性对我们至关重要. Only information required to conduct business is utilized by the University. 除非明确说明,否则不会从大学或附属供应商的网站出售或以其他方式向第三方提供任何信息, or as required by law. This statement applies to all linked University Web sites. Please be sure to check other sites for their policies.

  1. Introduction
  2. Information We Collect
  3. Our Use and Disclosure of Information
  4. Information Security
  5. Links to Other Websites
  6. Further Information

1. Introduction

通过网络向大学进行电子支付的能力为整个大学社区提供了便利. 为了确保交易分配得当,并减少欺诈风险,大学必须收集足够的信息,以积极识别用户. This Statement describes the information we collect, how it is utilized and protected. UNH respects the privacy of your personally identifiable information. We will not sell or rent your personally identifiable information. However, as described in more detail in Section 3 below, there are limited circumstances in which some of your information will be by necessity, under strict restrictions, shared with third parties.

By using this site, 您表示您理解如何保护您的个人信息的隐私和安全,以及您的个人信息将如何被使用. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions of this statement at any time. 您在发布任何更改后继续使用UNH电子商务网站,表示您对这些更改感到满意并已接受这些更改. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us as described in Section 6 below.

2. Information We Collect

Network Information
我们对自动收集的信息进行分析,以帮助我们了解您如何使用我们的网络服务,以及我们如何改进我们的网站以更好地满足您的需求. Examples of data that may be collected include:

IP Address

  • Type of browser and operating system used to access our site
  • Date and time the user accessed our site
  • Information regarding which pages users access or visit

For site security purposes and to ensure that this service remains available to all users, 本网站可能监控网络流量,以识别未经授权的上传或更改信息的企图, or otherwise cause damage. If security monitoring reveals evidence of possible abuse or criminal activity, system personnel may provide the results of such monitoring to appropriate officials. 未经授权上传或更改本服务上的信息的尝试是严格禁止的,并可能根据州法律和联邦法规受到惩罚,包括1986年的“计算机欺诈和滥用法”和1996年的“国家信息基础设施保护法”和/或根据UNH学生权利和规则.

Email Information
如果您向我们发送包含个人身份信息的问题或评论的电子邮件, 我们只会将您的个人身份信息用于响应您的请求和分析趋势. 我们可能会将您的信息转给其他政府机构或更有能力回答您的问题的人. If you provide us with your email address we may send you notices of events, products, and services. You will be given the option to unsubscribe from any mailing lists to which you are added.

Required Information
为了付款,您将被转到Nelnet网站,在那里您可以提供支票账户和/或信用卡信息. Credit card and bank information will not be collected or stored by UNH. This information is necessary for us to process transactions, to protect you against credit card fraud, and to contact you should the need arise in administering your account.

Transactional Information
当您向UNH付款时,我们要求您提供与每笔交易相关的信息,例如付款金额. Information provided by the user is the data needed to successfully complete a Web transaction. 大学可能会保留这些信息,以确保交易已被正确分配.

Our Use of "Cookies"
“cookie”是我们发送到您的计算机的小数据文件,使我们能够将您识别为经过身份验证的用户. We send a "session cookie" to your computer when you log in to your Web account. 如果您在同一会话期间访问我们网站的多个页面,这些cookie使我们能够识别您,而无需您登录每个页面. Once you log out or close your browser, these session cookies expire and no longer have any effect. Our cookie files are encoded so that your information can only be interpreted by UNH Web applications.

3. Our Use and Disclosure of Information

Internal Uses
我们将收集的您的信息用于以下目的:1)提供我们的服务并处理您的交易;2)提供客户服务. Specifically, we use your information to help you complete a transaction, to communicate back to you, to update you on service and benefits, and to personalize our web sites for you. 我们只允许那些需要知道这些信息以便向您提供产品或服务的UNH员工访问我们用户的个人身份信息.

Disclosure to Other Users
Except as noted above for need to know employees, no other users can view your personal data.

Disclosure to Third Parties
UNH will not sell, rent, or lease your personally identifiable information to others. UNH不会与第三方分享您的任何个人身份信息,除非在以下描述的有限情况下, or with your express permission (and to employees as described above), or to comply with applicable law. 这些第三方受法律或合同的限制,不得将信息用于共享信息目的以外的次要目的.

  • 我们与帮助我们处理您请求的交易并保护客户交易免受欺诈的组织共享信息, such as sharing your credit card number with a service that screens for lost and stolen card numbers.
  • We disclose the information we collect, as described in Section B above, 代表我们执行服务的组织或与我们有联合服务协议的其他金融机构.e. a credit card clearing house. 这些组织受我们的保密协议和其他法律限制的约束,禁止使用这些信息,除非提供指定的相关服务, unless you have affirmatively agreed or given your prior permission for other uses.
  • 我们披露的信息,我们真诚地认为是适当的,以配合调查欺诈或其他非法活动, or to conduct investigations of violations of our Acceptable Use Policy.
  • We disclose information in response to a subpoena, warrant, court order, levy, attachment, order of a court-appointed receiver or other comparable legal process, including subpoenas from private parties in a civil action.
  • 我们向您的代理人或法定代表人(如您授予的授权书持有人)披露信息, or a guardian appointed for you).
  • We share information with third parties, in compliance with the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).

Internet Address Information
We use IP addresses, browser types, and access times to analyze trends, administer the site, improve site performance, gather broad demographic information for aggregate use, and to conduct investigations on fraud, illegal activity, and other violations of our Acceptable Use Policy.

4. Information Security

UNH致力于以高标准的信息安全处理您的信息,并遵守USNH信息技术安全政策. While no computing environment is 100% secure, we take appropriate precautions to protect the user's information. When a user submits sensitive information via the Web, that information is protected both online and off-line.

Your credit card information is stored only in encrypted form on computers that have been secured. 我们限制只有需要知道您的个人身份信息以便向您提供产品或服务的员工才能访问您的个人身份信息. 

Tips for Safe Transactions

  • Don't walk away from your computer when in communication with our servers.
  • Safeguard your username/password and other identifying numbers and do not share them with others.
  • 保留个人信息,比如你母亲的娘家姓和身份号码(包括社会保险号码), driver's license, passport, and credit card numbers) in a safe and secure place. Do NOT share this information unless you know the purpose for which it will be used.
  • Before anyone else uses your computer, 清除缓存或重新启动浏览器(这将消除存储在硬盘驱动器上的网页副本). The preference menu in your browser can tell you how to clear your cache.
  • Always use the Exit function when ending an e-commerce session, especially if you plan to leave your browser open.

5. Links to Other Web Sites

Our Web sites contain links to non-UNH sites not associated with e-commerce. Please be aware that UNH is not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. 我们鼓励用户在离开我们的网站时注意这一点,并阅读每个收集个人身份信息的网站的隐私声明. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by UNH e-commerce access pages. Other UNH Web sites, as well as non-UNH Web sites, may have their own privacy statement which should be reviewed

6. Further Information

If you have any questions about our web site or concerns regarding your privacy, you may contact the UNH IT Service Desk at (603) 862-4242.