
联合国大学今天的可持续发展 & 明天

作为一所公立大学 可持续发展的国家领导者, 我们相信我们有一个独特的角色, 我们会说义务, to play in advancing sustainability – by being a role model for other universities and organizations through our own practices, 通过生成前沿知识, 通过充当催化剂和召集人, to support the advancement of sustainability in our local and regional communities, 并帮助培养下一代的大胆, courageous and capable sustainability leaders through our educational programs.

It is widely recognized that this decade (2020-2030) is pivotally important in terms of action on the climate crisis, 更广泛地说, 实现每一个目标的紧迫性 17个联合国可持续发展目标 考虑到可持续未来的所有方面, including dignity for all people and ecological integrity in all places.

We could not do this work without our generous supporters and champions of sustainability who have been critical in helping to advance our work. 


Students share the impact sustainability education and experiences have made on their lives and future careers.

联系 凯瑟琳·杰罗姆 讨论你的礼物.

约瑟芬一. 七鳃鳗(1940-2023):联合国大学可持续发展冠军

"I'm just the biggest champion there is of the university; I think it's a best-kept secret in the United States."

“Jo’s vision and generosity have allowed me to take the climate science I’ve been working on and share that with communities and states across the region. 
Her philanthropy has really made a huge difference in allowing me to spread my wings … and make a difference in the way people frame and act on the climate crisis.” 


To say that Jo has played a transformational role at the UNH 可持续发展研究所 over the last 12 years is an understatement.

在生活中,乔是一个开拓者和变革者. 七鳃鳗 joined the family energy business after a successful leadership career in health consulting in 2000. She was struck by the sobering science that a large portion of the country’s greenhouse gas, 气候变化危机的主要驱动因素之一, 来自居民石油部门吗. Jo saw the situation as both an opportunity and a challenge and set on a strategy to grow the business without feeding the problem. The company was so successful in promoting greater energy efficiency that it was the first in New England to be named an Energy Star Retail Partner in 2008.

Jo first connected with the 澳门葡京网赌游戏 when she helped organize an event featuring UNH 可持续发展研究所 Executive Director, Dr. 汤姆凯利和研究教授,博士. 卡梅隆·威克在2007年发表了《澳门葡京网赌游戏》一文.” It was the start of Jo’s engagement with the university and in particular, 与可持续发展研究所合作. 灵感来自于她从联合国大学可持续发展专家那里学到的东西, 2011年,她成立了约瑟芬A. 七鳃鳗 气候与可持续发展教授,由 Dr. 之后 从2011年到2023年. It is a hybrid model for engaged research and community engagement, the kind of innovative approaches that are called for in addressing complex sustainability challenges. 多年来, 她对研究所的支持越来越多, including for the Summer 可持续性 Fellows program and other general operating initiatives. Her involvement has paved the way and inspired other major gifts in support of sustainability at UNH, 比如托马斯·W. 可持续食品系统哈斯教授.

Jo’s philanthropic support has been especially significant because while she wanted to support one of UNH’s key focal areas – climate and energy – she also fully embraced the integrated nature of sustainability and understood that issues of climate and energy are indivisible with issues of biodiversity, 文化和粮食系统. Her support has allowed UNH to advance programs and activities that reflect the interconnected issues of sustainability and has been pivotal on many levels. 值得注意的是,她选择了支持UNH, 尽管这不是她的母校, because of the significance of UNH’s work in sustainability for the state, 地区和世界. 乔将被深深地怀念并永远铭记.

索伦森家族:支持下一代 & 我们的社区


The Sorensen Family Endowment has been providing extraordinary real-world experiences for UNH 学生 since 2019. 每年,他们的礼物支持一个 可持续性交通 – helping 学生 graduate with critical sustainability skills and in turn, helping host organizations to meaningfully enhance their sustainability practices. 在2023年的夏天, UNH学生Bella Dziak '24, (社区及环境规划及可持续发展, minor in Business Administration) documented the lives of young fishermen and women in southern Maine and New Hampshire who are involved in ground fishing, 煮呢, 和捕龙虾. Bella captured the essence of the working waterfronts in northern New England, 重点关注约克郡的渔港, Kittery, 朴茨茅斯, 黑麦, 和西布鲁克/汉普顿港. Bella produced media in the form of photos and short videos that are shared on all social media platforms and the New England Young Fishermen's Alliance's developing website. Bella gained knowledge about the diversity and dynamic nature of the small boat fishing industry and the culture and heritage connected to the commercial fishing industry. The project now serves as a template for other organizations looking to enhance their mission through storytelling. 


托马斯·W. 哈斯:推进公平 & 可持续性

托马斯·W. 哈斯 Professorship of Sustainable Food Systems is a fully funded professorship which aims to advance sustainable agriculture, 食物的选择, 营养, 以及校园内外的经济和社会福利. It provides resources to a faculty member to focus on long-term network design and planning for the New Hampshire and New England food systems. 建立在她之前的基础上.哈斯教授任期5年 凯伦一个. 史必 works to deepen UNH’s participation in the 新英格兰食品解决方案 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge; develop new and strengthen existing relationships and collaborations on campus and across the state; and share her expertise with UNH faculty, 工作人员, 学生, 及以后.